MIDI Used on This Site
Magitek theme from Final Fantasy III (Page entrance)  mtek.mid 
Black Omen from Chrono Trigger (Main page)   omen.mid 
1000 A.D. theme from Chrono Trigger (Picture Gallery)  ctcronotime.mid 
Undersea Palace from Chrono Trigger (Hints and Tips)  ctocean3.mid 
A theme from DragogonballZ, "The World's Strongest"  (Getting Started)  dbz.mid 
Belthasar's theme from Chrono Trigger (Playing now)  ctbelthasar.mid 
Sunstone theme from Chrono Trigger (Made up Pokemon)  Chrono2.mid 
Zero's Theme from Megaman X4 (Downloads)  mmx4-zero.mid 
Exdeath's theme from Final Fanstasy V (TM's and HM's)  ffVexdeath.mid 
Trunks' theme from Dragonball Z (3D Pokemon Pics)  trunks.mid  
WAV   Pikachus singing a song <so cute!> (The Dancing Pikachus)  PIKASONG.wav 
Guardia Castle theme from Chrono Trigger (the Elite 12)  Guardia.mid 
Unknown theme from Megaman ??? (Links)  MegaWar.mid 
Gravity Beetle's theme from Megaman X3 (My banner)  mmx3-gravitybeet.mid 
Intro Theme from Megaman X4 (Awards U can win)  mmx4-intro.mid 
Volt Catfish's theme from Megaman X3 (Pokemon Gold/Silver)  mmx2-vcatfish.mid 
The X Hunters theme from Megaman X2 (Fake Pokemon)  mmx2-hunters.mid 
Toxic Seahorse's theme from MegamanX3 (Link Form)  Toxicseahore.mid 
Intro from Megaman 7 (Adopted Pokemon)  mm7-intro.mid 
Fortress theme from Megaman 7 (Awards I've Won)  mmy-wily2.mid 
 right click on the link if you want the sound and then click SAVE LINK AS.  If you don't like the music on this site, just so you know, it sounds much better on your computer...   ...at least mine does.  Aslo, you will need Quicktime to download these.  Since I will be updating this site frequently and I will have more pages soon, check back every once and a while to see the new MIDI's.