Getting Started         
    Okay, first of all when you start a new game, you get to choose a name, for example, ASH.  You can even type in your own name!  It doesn't matter at all though what name you pick.  After that, you pick your opponents name.  Now, first, go downstairs and out the door and start heading north.  You will see a path covered in grass.  Walk into it.  As soon as you do, Prof. Oak will appear and take you to his lab.  He will ask you to choose one of three Pokemon to start out with.  Don't choose any quite yet, but instead press "A" on each Pokeball.  On each one it will ask if you want to choose that Pokemon.  Say no to each one.  Than pick the Pokemon that you like best!  In this case, choose BULBASAUR.  You're probably asking me "Why?"  Well the reason is that BULBASAUR is of the grass type, which has stengths against rock and water type Pokemon, which are the type of Pokemon that the first two gym leaders have.  Anyhow, after you choose, you will have to fight your rival who will always have the oppostite type Pokemon from yours.  In this case, he will have Charmander.  In this first fight, it is a pretty even match, but later let me warn you, he will be the #1 weakness of your lead Pokemon.  Anyhow,  it doesn't matter if you lose.  After the battle make your way to Viridian City (The first town.  Also, If you encounter any Pokemon you can't catch them yet so you're betteroff fighting them to gain experience.)  Then go to the building with the sign that says Mart on it (Short for Pokemart.)  Talk to the clerk and he will give you a package for Prof. Oak.  Go bck to Pallet Town to Prof. Oaks Lab and deliver the package to him.  He will then give you and your rival a POKEDEX.  Okay, now go back to Viridian City and go back to the Pokemart.  Finally the time you've been waiting for, Pokeballs!  Buy five Pokeballs and two Antidotes.  Then go the way you came here from Pallet.  Catch one RATTATTA and one PIDGEY.  Then go to Viridian city and take the small path to the west.  (It's a path to the Pokemon League) along the path catch a SPEAROW.
BATTBLE: When you encounter a Pokemon, to catch it, you must weaken it first.  So in this start-off get the Pokemon you want to catch's life down to about half at least before attempting to catch it by clicking ITEMS and then clicking POKEBALL.  Then try to raise each Pokemon in your inventory's levels evenly by giving them each a turn in battle and then using your lead Pokemon to finish it off.   Then go to Viridian Forest and fight all three of the trainers there.  Then use the same strategy as before to catch a CATERPIE and a WEEDLE (not a KAKUNA because he will have no attacks and it's easier to evolve your WEEDLE at level 7).  If any of your Pokemon get poisoned by them use an antidote.  Now when you emerge from Viridian Forest you will be in Pewter City, where you will face your first gym leader, Brock.
DEFEATING BROCK:  The easiest way to defeat Brock is to have all of your Pokemon at least at level 13.  It might be tough to get them to that level, but with a lot of exp. it CAN be done.
Brocks Pokemon-
ONIX Lv. 14
If you defeat Brock, he will give you the BOULDER BADGE, your first badge. 
You're taking your first step in becoming a Pokemon Master!
My Pokemon line-up in the game for gameboy (red version) is:
       (Pinsir, Hitmonchan, Mewtwo, Nidoking, Articuno, and Charizard.)